Let's plan your next adventure

Our trip planner helps friends organize all travel-related plans and explore activities around the world, so you can spend less time planning your vacations.
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Create Trips and Collaborate with Friends

Plan trips as a group by adding activities, destinations, and tasks to one shared itinerary. Everyone can contribute, making coordination easy and trip planning smooth.

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Group Messaging

Hoku’s group messaging lets you react to messages, send GIFs, reply to comments, and keep all trip conversations in one easy place.

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Viator Integration

Discover unique experiences through Viator’s integration. Browse and book tours, excursions, and activities right in Hoku. Enrich your trip with unforgettable adventures, all from a single platform.

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Hoku connects to Google Photos, making it easy for your group to collect, share, and relive trip memories all in one place.

Download Hoku

Hoku is available on both Android and iOS. Use the buttons below to download the app!